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Fabergé Winter Egg 1912-13

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The Winter Egg is a Fabergé egg, one of a series of fifty-two jewelled Easter eggs created by Russian jeweler Peter Carl Fabergé. It was an Easter 1913 gift for Tsarina Maria Feodorovna from Tsar Nicholas II, who had a standing order of two Easter eggs every year, one for his mother and one for his wife. Wikipedia
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  1. Ecobabe9:36
  2. lyoli70229:56
  3. startnovr10:03
  4. Murfy10:59
  5. pimpiripausa11:04
  6. delawareadams11:13
  7. Steenvogel11:19
  8. ENERIM11:35
  9. Laukie12:05
  10. tnjflint12:29


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This is absolutely amazing art

Absolutely exquisite,

So beautiful ...

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