Finnish Sauna

Finnish Sauna

Experience the revitalising effect of our Finnish sauna, perfect for deep relaxation and boosting the immune system.

Finnish sauna, 90° - 95°C, humidity 10%
• strengthens the immune system and reduces the susceptibility to infection
• rains the cardiovascular and circulatory system
• slightly stimulates metabolism
• improves the blood flow in the mucous membranes of the respiratory system
• expands the bronchi
• increases overall performance
• trains the elasticity of blood vessels
• relaxes
• cleanses the body

Step into our Finnish sauna, where temperatures range between 90°–95 °C and humidity remains at a comfortable 10%. This classic sauna experience not only stimulates circulation and conditions the cardiovascular system but also promotes respiratory health and induces profound relaxation. The combination of low humidity and high temperatures facilitates intense sweating, purifying the body and enhancing overall wellness.

Continue your relaxation journey and explore the soothing embrace of our Bio Sauna next.