Aliessa Phaire

creating Art

  • 67 paid members
  • 1,096 posts

Choose your membership

 / month
The most basic tier, in which you are able to see all the posts available. Meaning mostly the sketches of the projects and requests, as well as the preview products.
 / month
At this level, you have free access to all previews and sketches in posts, while receiving download links to access the current comic in progress. If you pledge for a total of 20$ in total(6 months or more in this tier or pledge higher), you may then request for previous comics depending on how long since release.
 / month
At this tier, you will be able to see the posts of both the sketches, colored or uncolored as posts as well as receive the sketches as downloadable rewards. However, higher tier rewards will not be accessible on this tier.
Most popular
 / month
This tier allows you to view posts, as well as receive both download links of the colored requests and colored projects. Long term pledgers of this pledge may request previous works.
 / month

Limited (3 remaining)

At this tier, you will have access to all posts, downloadable rewards, as well as be able to request a bustshot with sketch lines, colored of a character you prefer.

If you have obtained this request tier, I would prefer if you only shared that artwork on the internet a month after it's been sent with the addition of not placing it in full resolution. This is for exclusivity purposes and if you cannot comply, then I will prevent from further pledges in the future.

 / month
Sold Out

Limited spaces - SOLD OUT

At this tier, you will be able to view all posts, receive all downloadable rewards, as well as request a full bodied sketch lined colored picture of a character with basic background.

If you have obtained this request tier, I would prefer if you only shared that artwork on the internet a month after it's been sent with the addition of not placing it in full resolution. This is for exclusivity purposes and if you cannot comply, then I will prevent from further pledges in the future.

 / month
Sold Out

Limited spaces - SOLD OUT

Recent posts by Aliessa Phaire

Aliessa Phaire

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