Little blue heron a rare sighting indeed

Alan Peterson
For the Poughkeepsie Journal
An adult little blue heron was photographed at Hammonasset Beach State Park.

August as expected was a hot month. It is the particularly dry conditions that may have played a role in the influx of wading birds into the county. Low water means easy prey.

Spying congregation of egrets worth the trek

We have become accustomed to spotting the occasional great egret in the county, but 18 at Wappingers Lake on Aug. 7 is remarkable. Multiple sightings of snowy egret and even juvenile little blue heron are unprecedented. The latter species has not been recorded in the county for almost 10 years. Unlike great blue herons, which are not blue, and green herons, which are not green, little blue herons are a rich blue hue, but not the juveniles. They are solid white, making them easy to confuse with snowy egrets. Judy Steven’s glossy ibis at Sharon Station marsh is the first report of this species since March of 2003. The pectoral sandpiper found by Matthew Rymkiewicz Aug. 28 on a small farm pond west of Pine Plains on Route 199 highlights a banner showing of shorebirds, including greater and lesser yellowlegs, semipalmated plover, least, spotted and solitary sandpipers.

Great horned owls were spotted in Clinton Corners Aug. 5.

There was a whistling screech owl in our yard in Clinton Corners Aug. 5, and a pair of great horned owls calling Aug. 30. The resident barred owl pair made a point of vociferously challenging the great horned owls. This is a bad idea, as tipping your location to a larger species that will eat you is a bad survival skill (so far the barred owls continue to call). Jim Clinton’s flyby whip-poor-will Aug. 1 on Bull’s Head Road makes one wonder how many of these we miss when they aren’t calling. A lone northern harrier seen near Mashomack Aug. 30 in suitable breeding habitat by Deb Kral is enticing. This is a species in decline in the area.

A glossy ibis spotted at Sharon Station marsh is the first report of this species since March of 2003, according to the Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club.

Warblers are on the move. There is a significant uptick in red-breasted nuthatch numbers. Susan Joseph’s Bonaparte’s gull, casual in winter, is almost unheard of in August. She spotted one Aug. 26 over the Hudson River near Norrie Point.

Great egret was photographed at Bontecou Lake, Stanfordville.

Special thanks to Stan Deorsey and Barbara Butler. The historical facts I glean from their book “The Birds of Dutchess County New York” make me sound really smart. Get a copy.

A Bonaparte’s gull was spotted in late August over the Hudson River near Norrie Point.

Feel free to join the club at 8: 30 a.m. at Montgomery Place Oct. 12, as well as at 8:30 a.m. Oct. 19 at Tymor Forest. Bring your own hot dogs for a roast following the latter. Meet at the barns off Bruzgul Road. We will see you there.

A northern harrier was spotted Aug. 30 near Mashomack.

Alan Peterson is the RBA coordinator for the Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club. Contact him at myvalley@poughkeepsiejournal.com