Card game where the worst dictator wins

Adolf Hitler out-trumps other dictators in the World Tyrants' card game
Adolf Hitler out-trumps other dictators in the World Tyrants' card game

There is trouble in Toyland. German police have impounded a macabre World Tyrants’ card game in which Adolf Hitler out-trumps other dictators by dint of having murdered 55 million people compared with Saddam Hussein’s 1.3 million and Idi Amin’s modest 300,000.

Now the Nuremberg regional prosecutor is considering pressing charges against the manufacturers of the game, Weltquartett, because of a possible violation of the laws against glorifying Hitler or the Nazi party. The Hitler card — the most sought-after in the game — also partially displays the swastika symbol, which is banned in Germany.

The police elbowed their way through the latest Barbie and Ken figures and talking teddy bears in Nuremberg’s International Toy Fair in order to seize the game, having received an anonymous