sinibotia robusta !!!

what's your favorite type of loach? this is sinibotia robusta. but i probably love yoyo loaches the most.

i write articles about fishkeeping on my website. — hit it up if you're bored. if you really wanna do me a huuuuge favor then sign up for my newsletter when you're promoted to. i don't send too many emails, just once in a while with some cool stuff.

anyway, i also have a discord for fishkeepers like us to get together and discuss the hobby.  here is a link to join the channel.  it needs knowledgeable fishkeepers like you to help the discussion.  here's a link:

i'm also on twitter and tumblr with the same username.  if you use those platforms please consider giving me a follow there.  i'd really appreciate the favor.

this picture comes from aquarium glaser, it's a really good german website with loads of interesting fish.  they also have an english language version of their page.

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