55 Gallon semi-aggressive freshwater tank...

I took a picture of this tank when we first set it up. Now, there are more fish, the fish are bigger and more interesting, and there are several species of plants in the tank (and some more rocks). It's still an ugly tank by some people's standards - sparsely planted, with lots of fish and gaudy gravel, but if you don't mind the slightly "unnatural" look, it actually looks pretty good. In this tank, we currently have the following fish:

This is Mike Austin (my boyfiend)'s first attempt at an aquarium ever, and my first attempt at a "from scratch" semi-aggressive tank. Having [what we thought at the time was] a big tank for the first time, we tended to get one or two of everything hardy, and now, well hey, our tank looks like the semi-aggressive section of our local favorite pet store, The Pet Advantage. :-)

I maintain that I would do things differently if I had to stock the tank again, but whenever Mike and I talk about it, we have a hard time with the idea of not choosing any of the fish we chose. Personally, I think I would have done without the convicts, because they're such a territorial nuisance when breeding (which I don't want them to do anyway), and I they bite me fiercely when I vacuum the gravel in that area, several times causing me to jerk my hand out of the water and almost break the glass with the rock I was holding at the time.. I think one male or female would have been ok - they *are* very pretty fish. And perhaps we could do without the irridescent sharks and the 4 line catfish, since the tank isn't really designed for catfish, even though we both love the cats. The real question, of course, is not "which fish should we not have bought?", but "where can we put that 125 gallon aquarium we need to buy next?" :-)

I took an inventory on 12/1/96 and measured each fish with a ruler as well as I could - the catfish were very hard to measure.

(note: some the images I linked to, and plenty more, are available at FINS, http://www.actwin.com/fish/)

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Last Modified February 2, 1997