Ludwigia repens x arcuata I.D.


New Member
Hey everyone, I have a plant that I would like your opinion on. I think I have narrowed it down to a certain ludwigia hybrid, but I guess I am not positive. I really like the plant, as evidenced by the large amount of it in my 20 gallon display tank. From looking at images online, I believe it's a hybrid of L. repens and L. arcuata. However, I know looking at pics online, and varying conditions of growth, can make I.D. deceiving. I don't know if any of you have a lot of experience with different ludwigia species, but hopefully I can at least get an opinion on whether I am correct on this I.D.

Here's a pic of the whole tank, finally starting to recover from lack of care for a couple of months;

And here is a close up of the plant in question, it actually looks pretty decent compared to how it was a month or so ago

A higher angle for a better view of the leaves;

a couple of close-ups


Bonus; an emmersed form I have growing outside--nasty looking thumb for scale

Any help on an I.D. would be appreciated, and I will probably be offering some of these up in the 'plant it forward' thread at some point in the future, if anyone is interested. That's part of the reason I am looking for an I.D., but also just out of curiosity, I like to know what I have if at all possible


L. repens X  L. arcuata is what I would I.D. the plant as. I had a bunch of this stuff for the longest time and looked exactly like what you have but a little more on the red/orange shade. This was probably due to lighting and fertilization differences between our tanks. I like this plant. This ver. is right between both species with thin leaves but not to thin.


Active Member
Yup, L. repens x arcuata is the stuff. It reds out really well toward the surface in my tanks. I've kept it for nearly 5 years now, I think. It's a super easy grower and nearly indestructible, though you will have to cut off the tips, throw out the rest, and replant from time to time. Unless you're a total plant ninja...


New Member
Thanks guys for confirming my thoughts about this plant. I was almost positive it was repens x arcuata but wanted to get a second opinion. I have definitely noticed that the lower leaves do get a bit funky after a while, I'm glad to hear it's not just that I am taking bad care of them.

I am trying to get the stuff to redden up a little, as I purchased some flourish iron and have been dosing that twice a week or so. They have definitely started to get some more color, though I think I have so much of it in there that I might need to up the dose on the iron. I think the ludwigia is sucking all of it up faster than I am dosing it

As an update on the emmersed form, I gave it some miracle grow tomato food a couple of days ago and it is now going crazy with side branches. It looks very very different out of the water, but seems very hardy. I guess ludwigia is actually a type of primrose according the the interwebs


New Member
just an interesting update on this species;


in about a week the emmersed form has just exploded, and it actually looks kind of nice with the red stems and nice green leaves. I think I will keep it, and I am thinking about doing a mixed pot of emmersed aquarium plants. I also have some stargrass beginning to grow emmersed in a separate tank, might try to do some others as well